If you’re between 40 and 74 and live in the UK, you should have a health check which we can do at our pharmacy for a nominal charge.
The health check should take around 30 minutes. A healthcare professional, will ask you a series of simple questions about your lifestyle and family history. The check is nothing to worry about and you won’t be asked any embarrassing questions or need to remove clothing.
You can also expect:
The Health Check focuses on:
If you are over 65, you will also be told the signs of dementia to look out for.
After your blood pressure test, sugar level test and BMI results, the Pharmacist will be happy to offer lifestyle advice or suggest you visit your GP, if needed. They might offer ideas on how to:
Allergic Rhinitis Nasal Spray
Anti-Malarial Tablets
Asthma Inhalers
Check your blood pressure
The only way of knowing whether you have high blood pressure is to have a blood pressure test.
All adults over 40 are advised to have their blood pressure checked at least every 5 years. Getting this done is easy and could save your life.
You can get your blood pressure tested at a number of places, including at our pharmacies. If you've not been diagnosed with high blood pressure and would like to get yours checked, contact or visit one of our branches.
If we find any potential signs of high blood pressure, we will refer you to your GP for further investigation and treatment if appropriate.
We provide lateral flow test kits
We provide the Discharge Medicines Service. The service has been established to help you understand your medicines and any changes when you leave hospital and to reduce incidences of avoidable harm caused by medicines.
No appointments needed, easily accessible location and just a quick consultation, we ensure a hassle free service to all our patients. Simply walk in and ask to speak to our friendly and professional pharmacist about the morning after pill.
Our pharmacist will need to see the person that the emergency contraception is intended for, and will need to ask a few questions regarding the patients’ medical history. This is done in the privacy of our consultation room and everything discussed is in complete confidence. The sooner you come to our pharmacy to take the morning after pill, the greater the chances of avoiding pregnancy.
If the Pharmacist feels like Levonelle One Step is not suitable for you, they will not give you the morning after pill, but advise you to see your health care professional.
We are one of the few pharmacies that are able to provide the morning after pill free of charge to patients who are aged 24 and under, and who meet the NHS criteria. Alternatively, the pill can be purchased privately from our pharmacy.
About Emergency Contraception (Levonelle One Step) -
When it comes to sex, even if you’ve taken precautions, sometimes things don’t quite go to plan. Accidents happen with contraception and things go wrong all the time. You may even just be worried that your contraceptive pill hasn’t worked. If you’ve had unprotected sex or you’re worried about contraception failure, here is some of the information you need to know about Levonelle One Step -
- Levonelle One Step is an emergency contraceptive that can be used within 72 hours (3 days) of unprotected sex or if your contraceptive method has failed.
- There is one white tablet in the pack and it is most effective when taken within the first 12 hours
- The tablet contains a hormone called Levonorgestrel.
- Levonelle One Step is thought to work by stopping your ovaries from releasing an egg or by preventing sperm from fertilising any egg that may have already been released
- If you are over 16 you can get Levonelle One Step over the counter at our Pharmacy
- If you are under 16 you cannot buy Levonelle One Step at the Pharmacy, you need to visit your GP or a Walk-In centre
- Levonelle One Step works to prevent a pregnancy becoming established, it does not work if you are already pregnant
- You should only use Levonelle One Step in emergencies, not as a regular form of contraception
Please note, there are other emergency contraceptive options available through your doctor or at a Walk-In centre.
If you do have any questions or require any further information please do not hesitate to contact us.
If you have had sex without using contraception, or you think your contraception has failed, you may be able to use Emergency Hormonal Contraception (EHC). Every consultation is private and confidential and will be in a private consultation room. Our fully trained and accredited Pharmacist will supply EHC when appropriate to clients in line with the requirements of a locally agreed Patient Group Direction (PGD).
The PGD will specify the age range of clients that are eligible for the service; it may facilitate supply to young persons under 16 in appropriate circumstances. We will also provide support and advice to clients accessing the service, including advice on the avoidance of pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (STI’s) through safer sex and condom use, advice on the use of regular contraceptive methods and provide onward signposting to services that provide long-term contraceptive methods and diagnosis and management of STI’s. * Only available if commissioned in accordance with a local agreement.
Erectile Dysfunction Tablets
Female Facial Hair (Cream)
Hair Loss Tablets
Hepatitis B Vaccine
Meningitis ACWY Vaccine (Hajj/Umrah)
Meningitis B Vaccine
Winter Flu Vaccination
When you are prescribed a new medicine by your doctor our pharmacists can offer support and advice to ensure you take the new medication as prescribed without suffering any unwanted side effects or explain any further questions you may have. We usually do this by keeping in contact with you during the first 4 weeks of your new medicine being prescribed.
The service is only available for people living in England, and only for those who have been prescribed a new medicine for the conditions listed:
The NMS can help:
Period Delay Tablets
We recommend you consider getting a flub jab If you don't qualify for an NHS vaccination but are:
This service is available on a walk in basis without an appointment and there is a charge but please call the pharmacy first.
We provide the pneumonia vaccine which protects you against pneumonia which is an infection that can cause serious illness and in some cases even death. It is more prevalent in colder months during Autumn and Winter and affects around 1 in 100 adults in the UK each year. Although associated with older and vulnerable people about 1 in 4 cases occur in adults under 65.
Pneumonia affects the lungs and can spread from person to person through coughing and sneezing.
Vaccination helps your immune system and provides long-lasting protection against pneumococcal pneumonia. We can administer the vaccine any time of year and it can help reduce your risk if you are travelling to a county which has a higher level of pneumococcal infections such as China or India.
We can give you a pneumonia vaccination at the same time as other vaccinations, such as the flu jab.
People aged 65 and over are also eligible for a free NHS pneumonia vaccination.
Contact us for more information.
Rosacea Treatment (Cream)
Smoking Cessation Tablets
Travel Vaccinations Clinic (for all destinations)
Travellers' Diarrhoea Tablets
We stock a popular range of vitamins and supplements aimed at nutrition, and women's and men's health.
We are here to help you make good choices. If you are struggling losing weight, please ask the pharmacist to help you beat the bulge.
The term obese describes a person who is very overweight. There are two ways of checking your weight status. Firstly, Body mass index (BMI) is a measure of whether you’re a healthy weight for your height. A BMI of > 25 means you are over-weight.
Another measure of excess fat is your waist circumference. Generally, men with a waist circumference of 94cm or more and women with a waist circumference of 80 cm or more are more likely to develop obesity related health problems. These include
Type 2 diabetes, Coronary heart disease, some types of cancer, such as breast cancer and bowel cancer and stroke. If you are worried about diabetes we can give you a diabetic test.
Obesity can also affect your quality of life and lead to psychological problems such as depression and low self-esteem. Please let us help you before your weight gets out of control.
Weight Loss Programme (High Strength Weight Loss Capsules)
We can offer weight management help. Pharmacists are ideally placed to help you manage your weight as they already provide many health services to customers, including stop smoking services, blood pressure and cholesterol measurements and general advice on nutrition and healthy living. Pharmacists also know when a weight problem can be managed in the pharmacy and when there is a medical problem that needs co-operation with the doctor.
Ask us for advice on how to get started.
If you’re between 40 and 74 and live in the UK, you should have a health check which we can do at our pharmacy for a nominal charge.
The health check should take around 30 minutes. A healthcare professional, will ask you a series of simple questions about your lifestyle and family history. The check is nothing to worry about and you won’t be asked any embarrassing questions or need to remove clothing.
You can also expect:
The Health Check focuses on:
If you are over 65, you will also be told the signs of dementia to look out for.
After your blood pressure test, sugar level test and BMI results, the Pharmacist will be happy to offer lifestyle advice or suggest you visit your GP, if needed. They might offer ideas on how to:
Allergic Rhinitis Nasal Spray
Anti-Malarial Tablets
Asthma Inhalers
Check your blood pressure
The only way of knowing whether you have high blood pressure is to have a blood pressure test.
All adults over 40 are advised to have their blood pressure checked at least every 5 years. Getting this done is easy and could save your life.
You can get your blood pressure tested at a number of places, including at our pharmacies. If you've not been diagnosed with high blood pressure and would like to get yours checked, contact or visit one of our branches.
If we find any potential signs of high blood pressure, we will refer you to your GP for further investigation and treatment if appropriate.
We provide lateral flow test kits
We provide the Discharge Medicines Service. The service has been established to help you understand your medicines and any changes when you leave hospital and to reduce incidences of avoidable harm caused by medicines.
No appointments needed, easily accessible location and just a quick consultation, we ensure a hassle free service to all our patients. Simply walk in and ask to speak to our friendly and professional pharmacist about the morning after pill.
Our pharmacist will need to see the person that the emergency contraception is intended for, and will need to ask a few questions regarding the patients’ medical history. This is done in the privacy of our consultation room and everything discussed is in complete confidence. The sooner you come to our pharmacy to take the morning after pill, the greater the chances of avoiding pregnancy.
If the Pharmacist feels like Levonelle One Step is not suitable for you, they will not give you the morning after pill, but advise you to see your health care professional.
We are one of the few pharmacies that are able to provide the morning after pill free of charge to patients who are aged 24 and under, and who meet the NHS criteria. Alternatively, the pill can be purchased privately from our pharmacy.
About Emergency Contraception (Levonelle One Step) -
When it comes to sex, even if you’ve taken precautions, sometimes things don’t quite go to plan. Accidents happen with contraception and things go wrong all the time. You may even just be worried that your contraceptive pill hasn’t worked. If you’ve had unprotected sex or you’re worried about contraception failure, here is some of the information you need to know about Levonelle One Step -
- Levonelle One Step is an emergency contraceptive that can be used within 72 hours (3 days) of unprotected sex or if your contraceptive method has failed.
- There is one white tablet in the pack and it is most effective when taken within the first 12 hours
- The tablet contains a hormone called Levonorgestrel.
- Levonelle One Step is thought to work by stopping your ovaries from releasing an egg or by preventing sperm from fertilising any egg that may have already been released
- If you are over 16 you can get Levonelle One Step over the counter at our Pharmacy
- If you are under 16 you cannot buy Levonelle One Step at the Pharmacy, you need to visit your GP or a Walk-In centre
- Levonelle One Step works to prevent a pregnancy becoming established, it does not work if you are already pregnant
- You should only use Levonelle One Step in emergencies, not as a regular form of contraception
Please note, there are other emergency contraceptive options available through your doctor or at a Walk-In centre.
If you do have any questions or require any further information please do not hesitate to contact us.
If you have had sex without using contraception, or you think your contraception has failed, you may be able to use Emergency Hormonal Contraception (EHC). Every consultation is private and confidential and will be in a private consultation room. Our fully trained and accredited Pharmacist will supply EHC when appropriate to clients in line with the requirements of a locally agreed Patient Group Direction (PGD).
The PGD will specify the age range of clients that are eligible for the service; it may facilitate supply to young persons under 16 in appropriate circumstances. We will also provide support and advice to clients accessing the service, including advice on the avoidance of pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (STI’s) through safer sex and condom use, advice on the use of regular contraceptive methods and provide onward signposting to services that provide long-term contraceptive methods and diagnosis and management of STI’s. * Only available if commissioned in accordance with a local agreement.
Erectile Dysfunction Tablets
Female Facial Hair (Cream)
Hair Loss Tablets
Hepatitis B Vaccine
Meningitis ACWY Vaccine (Hajj/Umrah)
Meningitis B Vaccine
Winter Flu Vaccination
When you are prescribed a new medicine by your doctor our pharmacists can offer support and advice to ensure you take the new medication as prescribed without suffering any unwanted side effects or explain any further questions you may have. We usually do this by keeping in contact with you during the first 4 weeks of your new medicine being prescribed.
The service is only available for people living in England, and only for those who have been prescribed a new medicine for the conditions listed:
The NMS can help:
Period Delay Tablets
We recommend you consider getting a flub jab If you don't qualify for an NHS vaccination but are:
This service is available on a walk in basis without an appointment and there is a charge but please call the pharmacy first.
We provide the pneumonia vaccine which protects you against pneumonia which is an infection that can cause serious illness and in some cases even death. It is more prevalent in colder months during Autumn and Winter and affects around 1 in 100 adults in the UK each year. Although associated with older and vulnerable people about 1 in 4 cases occur in adults under 65.
Pneumonia affects the lungs and can spread from person to person through coughing and sneezing.
Vaccination helps your immune system and provides long-lasting protection against pneumococcal pneumonia. We can administer the vaccine any time of year and it can help reduce your risk if you are travelling to a county which has a higher level of pneumococcal infections such as China or India.
We can give you a pneumonia vaccination at the same time as other vaccinations, such as the flu jab.
People aged 65 and over are also eligible for a free NHS pneumonia vaccination.
Contact us for more information.
Rosacea Treatment (Cream)
Smoking Cessation Tablets
Travel Vaccinations Clinic (for all destinations)
Travellers' Diarrhoea Tablets
We stock a popular range of vitamins and supplements aimed at nutrition, and women's and men's health.
We are here to help you make good choices. If you are struggling losing weight, please ask the pharmacist to help you beat the bulge.
The term obese describes a person who is very overweight. There are two ways of checking your weight status. Firstly, Body mass index (BMI) is a measure of whether you’re a healthy weight for your height. A BMI of > 25 means you are over-weight.
Another measure of excess fat is your waist circumference. Generally, men with a waist circumference of 94cm or more and women with a waist circumference of 80 cm or more are more likely to develop obesity related health problems. These include
Type 2 diabetes, Coronary heart disease, some types of cancer, such as breast cancer and bowel cancer and stroke. If you are worried about diabetes we can give you a diabetic test.
Obesity can also affect your quality of life and lead to psychological problems such as depression and low self-esteem. Please let us help you before your weight gets out of control.
Weight Loss Programme (High Strength Weight Loss Capsules)
We can offer weight management help. Pharmacists are ideally placed to help you manage your weight as they already provide many health services to customers, including stop smoking services, blood pressure and cholesterol measurements and general advice on nutrition and healthy living. Pharmacists also know when a weight problem can be managed in the pharmacy and when there is a medical problem that needs co-operation with the doctor.
Ask us for advice on how to get started.